Keep Your Website Secure With Best WordPress Security Tips

06 September, 2023


Business these days widely depends on online databases and WordPress sites. And for an entrepreneur, you will have to work hard to keep your site completely safe. It doesn’t how much hardship you have been put through when you are creating your website unless to fail to keep it secure in the long run. Unfortunately, this is how the internet works, you can deny the random security collapses and other fishing attacks. But, to ensure that your site is well-updated with all the required aspects of WordPress Security you can use the following tips.

1. Regular Update WordPress

This is important that, whenever WordPress introduces a new feature to your website, they make sure the security is upgraded too. There are lots of bugs and vulnerabilities that come along with an improvement, and it is essential that if any particular malicious bug gets discovered in the system the WordPress core team has to take care of it right away. Update the site immediately and force a safer new version of the site.

The process of updating WordPress is simple, first visit the site dashboard. And on the top section of the page, you will see a notification every time a new version is available. Just click on that blue ‘Update Now’ button and the process might take a few seconds to complete on its own.

2. Update Themes and Plugins

A similar process goes for introducing plugins and changing themes also. You should also update the current theme and all existing plugins on your website. This will also help you to understand and easily overcome vulnerabilities, bugs, and potential security breaches. It is common for plugins to face security breaches every now and then, or sometimes there is a security hole.

Just like various software, these are also threatening but easily removable. Go to Plugins / Installed Plugins to see whether there is the latest version of your installed plugins. To update themes go to Appearance / Themes and from all the saved themes you can see if any theme has an updated version. And then simply click on the ‘Update Now’ button.

3. Regular Back up

Another extremely essential option is backing up your site regularly. Create a separate copy of all the data from the site and store it somewhere secure. This will not just keep your data safe but also you can use these data if some security breaches happen in the future as well. There is a backup plugin that you can use to secure your data. There are diverse and affordable backup plugins that will help you to achieve this. Going for a daily backup plan plugin can be very beneficial for your website.

4. Limited Login Attempts and Regular Password Change

While opting for a login form, don’t allow unlimited username and password attempts, unless you want your hacker to succeed. Limiting login attempts will prevent this to happen. There are specialized plugins to limit possible login attempts and the most popular of these plugins are available free of cost. Another aspect to keep your system safe and clean is by changing your password every 2 to 3 months.

5. Firewall Installation

Providing a firewall can help you to guard your security system also your computer.

Computer – Firewalls will protect your computer from several online threats. With a firewall, you can protect your computer from every strange thing that tries to connect to your system. Several tools will help you to get it done. If you are one of the administrations then your computer is at a high risk point.

WordPress Website – For your WordPress you can also launch another firewall to protect your site from other threats. But, if you are using a firewall for your computer then that will protect your WordPress as well. Otherwise look for a firewall that deals with viruses, malware, hacker attacks, etc, you might find several free options that give you good security also.

6. Limited User Access

If you are not the only one using the WordPress site, then, make sure that the site has limited users. And while setting up a new user account then be careful and try to keep everything under control. In case you have too many users, then make sure you will limit their functions and permissions. Everyone should not have every phase of accessibility. Use a strong password system by default option, and that will force the accuser to use a strong password only.

7. Change Login URL

Unfortunately, everyone knows, especially the hackers, the URL of your dashboard is either or By changing the URL you can secure your website from various unwanted threats. Using a custom URL will prevent hackers to dive into your website right away. Use a security plugin that allows you to do this. And you can turn your URL into anything as per your preferences.

8. Enable Security Check

You can add a special plugin for your security scans. With these security checks, you can identify anything suspicious on your website. And if something is found it will remove it immediately, securing your website. These scanners work like antivirus. There are various affordable scanners that you can use for your website.

9. Use SSL

SSL or Secure Socket Layer is a great option to secure and encrypt admin data. SSL makes it easy to transfer data between two server-secure browsers. You can acquire an SSL in two different ways. • You can buy it from a third-party company • You can ask your hosting provider for one Another extremely great benefit that you can get by using SSL is that it not just secures your website but also gives a better Google ranking. And handling a WordPress site will better Google ranking will help you further in your business.

10. Protect wp-config.php Files

The wp-config.php files are the ones that require maximum protection. You can consider them as the most vulnerable files as well. As these files host crucial information and data about your whole WordPress installation, securing these files is of utmost importance. One of the simplest things that you can do to a wp-config.php file is by moving them one step above in your WordPress root directory. Getting your site protected is one of your major responsibilities but if you delegate this huge task with proper usage of plugins and other essential security attributes. Remember when it comes to website security every steps count.

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